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When People Disappoint You

"They cried to you and were saved; in you they trusted and were not disappointed."  Psalm 22:5

One of the hardest things to accept in life is that people are going to let you down.  I've only been on this earth for thirty-three years, but that has been ample time for numerous people to disappoint me.  I've been disappointed by broken promises from friends, sinful choices made by professing Christians, lack of sympathy from people during personal times of grief, and a whole host of other instances where I've felt as if the world in general has let me down.

I'm not alone whenever it comes to disappointment.  I'm sure you could recount many times when you've been let down by a friend or family member, or perhaps even by someone you don't even personally know.  Let's be honest . . . being let down by someone hurts.  It can almost callous you to the point where you're tempted to put up barriers in an attempt to rid yourself from being hurt in the future.

Well, we're not alone in our disappointments!  Let's recall a few of the numerous "let downs" in the Bible:
  • Adam and Eve's disobedience disappointed God
  • Lot's choices disappointed Abraham
  • David disappointed God, Nathan, and all of Israel
  • Absalom disappointed David
  • Job was disappointed by his friends
  • Jeremiah was disappointed by the sinfulness of God's people
  • Jesus was disappointed by Judas and Peter
  • Peter was disappointed by Ananias and Sapphira
And that's not even an exhaustive list!  Unfortunately, life is full of let-downs because we live in a world that is full of sin.  Being hurt by other people is definitely painful, but if I'm honest, I've done my fair share of disappointing those who I care about, too.

Thankfully, because I'm a saved child of God, I have a personal relationship with Someone who never has disappointed me, and never will.  Although men will continue to let me down, God is not even capable of doing such a thing.  Not only will He never disappoint me, but if I will allow Him, He'll take all of the previous disappointments that I've experienced from my fellow man and turn them into something beautiful.  Paul gives us this promise in Romans whenever he says:

"We also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope."  Romans 5:3-4

If I will allow Him, God will take my disappointments and my let downs and shape them into perseverance, character, and hope.  He never misses out on an opportunity to make something beautiful out of what was once scarred.  I always try to teach my kids that every negative situation has a lesson in it.  If I'm disappointed by someone I love, hopefully my character is being refined and I'm learning how I want ultimately treat those who I love.

What's even more beautiful than what we get in exchange for our disappointments is the promise that there will never be a time when we are disappointed in our God.  Paul continues on and says:

"And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us."  Romans 5:5

The hope that we have because of our relationship with God through Jesus is evidenced in the fact that the love that He bestowed upon us at the time of our salvation is being continually poured out on us everyday.  His love, care, and promises have never let me down!

I hope you will take comfort in the promise that God in His great love for you is not capable of disappointing you.  If you've given up all hope in your fellow man, place your trust in the One who wants to take those disappointments and mold them into beautiful qualities that resemble Him.  Our hope in Him is a sure thing.


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