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Need a Spiritual Tune-Up?

Our cars are equipped with all kinds of warning lights.  They tell us whenever maintenance is necessary to ensure that our vehicle will continue to operate to full capacity. 

Our bodies are equipped with similar warning signals.  Whenever we are getting sick, we're likely to spike a fever or feel excessively tired which alerts us to an ailment or infection.

What are some of the warning signs that reveal to us that our spirit might be in need of some maintenance?

Think about what yours are while I share with you what mine are.  Whenever my spirit is in need of a service call, I begin to see these things surface in my life:
  • Those thoughts that had been properly passing through the appropriate filters are now manifesting into words that are hurtful and destructive.
  • Those beautiful times of early morning communion with God through prayer and Bible study are replaced with sleeping late and then hurrying through the rest of my day.
  • Worship songs in church become mere words off of my lips, rather than true praise from my heart.
  • Inspirational reading is replaced with countless hours of meaningless web surfing and TV watching.
  • Taking the time to send a note to a friend or reach out to someone who is sick or hurting is overlooked and usually replaced with a more self-centered activity.
Being a pastor's wife obviously doesn't make you immune from needing a spiritual check up!  I'm embarrassed to say that there are probably many more that I could add to that list, but I think you get the picture!

Needing some spiritual maintenance does not necessarily mean that you've gone through a trial or tragedy.  In fact, most of my dry, spiritual times seem to come whenever life seems to be going rather smoothly.  It's as if the lack of problems causes me to get to the point where I silently say with my life,

"It's OK God, everything is good right now and I seem to have it all under control.". 

It's very shortly after that whenever I realize that my tongue is slipping, my worship is shallow, and my quiet time is non-existent.

So, whenever we get to that place in our life when we make the realization that our spirit needs refreshed (and I think we can all admit that we all have been there at some point in time) how do we go about getting a spiritual tune-up?  Well, just as we always have to wait for our cars to be serviced or to be called back to an exam room to see the doctor, I believe that there is a natural waiting time that our spirit has to go through.  Listen to David's perspective:

"I waited patiently for the Lord;
he turned to me and heard my cry.
He lifted me out of the slimy pit,
out of the mud and mire;
he set my feet on a rock
and gave me a firm place to stand.
He put a new song in my mouth,
a hymn of praise to our God.
Many will see and fear
and put their trust in the Lord."
Psalm 40:1-3

You might be disappointed to read those words, "waited patiently". They aren't necessarily my favorite words either, but they are necessary.  We have to remember that we didn't lose our spiritual fervor overnight, so we shouldn't expect to have it restored with the snap of a finger.  I truly believe that there is much to be learned in the waiting time.  It gives us so much time to reflect on how we got to where we are and how it could be prevented in the future.

Following the appropriate time of waiting patiently and crying out to the Lord for spiritual rejuvenation, we get the beautiful promise of restoration.  We will begin to see our spiritual footing feel firm again and the songs of praise will once again be genuine and spirit-filled.

Don't be too quick to skip over the last part of those verses because it's there that we see the biggest potential for impact.  Once we feel spiritually refreshed and our fervor is renewed, God desires to use our testimony for His Glory.  Because of the restoration that we have experienced, we will leave such an impression on the lost world that we live in that it will naturally draw lost men and women to Christ.  Isn't that just like God to take a bad situation and transform it into something that doesn't just impact your life, but the lives of everyone you come in contact with?

I hope you've considered what your warning signs might be whenever you are in need of some spiritual maintenance.  If you're in a season of spiritual revival right now, then PRAISE GOD!  However, if your warning lights are going off because you're in a spiritual dry spell, then according to Scripture you have two things to do: 

Cry out to the Lord, and then wait patiently. 

I promise that He will hear your cry.  He truly desires that your spirit be renewed so that you can be an effective tool for the Kingdom.  Will you take the first step to getting your spirit back on track and call out to Him today?


  1. Jeremiah 29:12-13 and Psalm 46:10. My Lord hears me..cares for me and will let me find Him....He will bring me back....I just need to pray ...then still....and believe... I miss my relationship with my Lord..... its my fault that got me here but He wills a better relationship and He will use me again! Staci, thank you so much for this outlet of study...the time and work you use....for our fruitful....He is so proud of you ....joyfully your friend in Christ.


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