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I Have Nothing to Wear!

"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or what you will wear.  Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?"  Matt. 6:25

Fashion has always confounded my brain.  It amazes me how trends come and go in the world of style and I've always wondered who grants fashion editors the authority to forecast what a specific trend will be for a season that might be six months or a year away. 

What I'm seeing right now in the fashion world doesn't impress me.  The young, hip actors that my kids watch on television look like they got dressed in total darkness.  Nothing matches and it now appears to be totally fine to wear multiple contrasting patterns all at the same time, as well as colors that don't align on the color wheel. 

Sometimes I look at people and think to myself,

"Well, they definitely have a Matthew 6:25 approach to life because they obviously don't care one thing about what they look like!"

Please don't act like you've never had such a thought run through your mind!  I'm sure you've seen as many interesting outfits as I have!

However, as far-fetched as some of the outfits seem, I'm sure there were many painstaking hours invested in the planning of each bizarre color scheme.  It might look like the outfit came together by accident, but I'm sure it was much more thought out than that.

If I was to be honest, although our finished products look quite different, I probably invest as much time and energy in the way I look as the young starlets who aren't wearing a single coordinating color scheme.  I've been known to go into my first-world, cram packed, over sized closet and utter the words, "I have nothing to wear!".  I'd shudder to know the cumulative number of hours I've spent fingering through my clothes, just looking for the perfect thing to don.

 Oh, the hours we've wasted worrying about such trivialness!

The only bit of comfort I receive for all of the wasted hours I've spent worrying about my attire is that Scripture leads us to believe that people must have been doing the same thing during the time Jesus was on the Earth.  I'm sure their wardrobe choices were much more narrow than ours today, but based on a portion of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, people were evidently just as consumed with what they wore as we are today.

Jesus goes on to say in that passage:

"And why do you worry about clothes?  See how the flowers of the field grow.  They do not labor or spin."  Matt. 6:28

What He's saying is that the beautiful wildflowers that bloom in nature are naturally beautiful because they were made at the hand of God . . . just like you and I.  We spend countless hours pining over what we will put on the outside of our bodies, when what's on the outside is of no eternal importance whatsoever.  Having been made in the image of God, we're all already beautiful in our own way on the outside, so what we need to be more concerned about is being beautiful on the inside as well.

Once we set aside our tendency to focus on how others view us on the outside and spend more time focusing on how our hearts stand before a Holy and Almighty God, then maybe our meaningless hours worrying about our attire will substantially decrease. 

I know that I have a lot of work to do in this area . . . how about you?


  1. My granddaughter was upset because she just missed the A B honor roll...but she did win the one friendship award......I told her that I was so proud of her because I knew that Jesus was too because that was one lesson He wanted us all to learn...,.to love each other,,,,praise God.the bank you Staci.


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