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I've Seen a Miracle . . . And You Have, Too

One of the joys of homeschooling is that I get to relive my childhood by reading through many of my favorite childhood books with my kids.  Savannah and I have been reading the ever popular, Charlotte's Web

Well, I saw God in this classic children's book.  As 8 year-old Fern's fascination with Wilbur and all the other animals at Mr. Zuckerman's farm grows stronger by the day, her mother grows extremely worried about Fern's mental state as she comes home speaking of talking animals and spiders writing words in their web.  She decides it's time to go see Fern's doctor and tell him about all of this strange behavior.

And this is where a children's book becomes an encounter with our miraculous God.  After Fern's mother tells the doctor about the spider's web with the words spun into it, the fine country doctor looks at her and says that the miracle isn't in the words that are spun into the spider's web, but in the web itself.  He reminds her that no one teaches a young spider how to spin a web, yet somehow it knows exactly what to do.

So, you say you've never seen a miracle?  Think about all of the many aspects of creation that are truly unexplainable, aside from God:
  • If' you've seen snow released from the storehouses above, you've seen a miracle of God.
  • If you've been to the beach and seen how God holds the waters back at the shore, you've seen a miracle of God.
  • If you've witnessed a child being brought into this world, you've seen a miracle of God.
  • If you've watched how birds instinctively know how to build a nest or fly in a V-Pattern to maximize wind speed, you've seen a miracle of God.
  • If you've seen a puppy, kitten, calf, foal, or any other mammal know exactly where to go to find nourishment from its mother, you've seen a miracle of God.
  • If you've seen a mountain stream, which provides life sustaining water to the animals in nature, you've seen a miracle of God.
Look around.  God's hand is everywhere showing you one miracle after another.  We sing about how awesome God is in the song, "Indescribable," but if we aren't careful, we will merely have words coming off of our lips if we don't stop and listen to what we're singing. 

Our God tells every lightning bolt where to go (Job 36:32). 

He has Heavenly storehouses filled with snow (Job 37:6).   

He imagined the sun and gives it light (Genesis 1:14-17).

He placed the stars in the sky and knows them by name (Psalm 147:4).

Are you in awe of our powerful and indescribable God today?  If you need to be reminded of how awesome He is, take some time to read Psalm 104 and you will witness some of His handiwork. 

His miracles can be seen all around you.  Stop and take the time to notice some of them today, then spend some time praising Him for how truly amazing He is.


  1. Thanks Stac for the reminder that miracles are all around us everyday. I needed that! Keep up the good work and be sure to step on someone else's toes every now and then and give mine a rest!

    1. Sorry about your toes! Maybe they'll get better over the weekend!

  2. I will....thank you.... I will take the girls out for a walk...and talk....and I will use the bible to show the truth of it all... Thank you again.


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