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An Unwritten Law of Nature

"So I find this law at work:  When I want to do good, evil is right there with me."  Romans 7:21

Have you ever been on a diet or trying to watch what you eat and felt as if there were thick slices of triple fudge chocolate cake and extra crispy French fries following you around all day long?

Or maybe you've made a decision to rid yourself of something like gossiping, and before the sun can set, you're privy to information that just demands being passed on to your best pal.

Whether it be deciding to quit such habits as nail biting or cursing, or maybe something a little more serious like smoking or drinking, the temptation to fall back into our old behavior seems to be front and center.

Isn't that the way it goes?  You feel convicted to do something positive in your life, and anything and everything that could be negative keeps creeping around the corner!  It's as if those evils in our lives know exactly how to taunt and tease us . . . and ultimately tempt us to fall back into our old ways.

I find such comfort in Scripture whenever I read that what happens to me (and you . . . and everyone else in the world) is NORMAL!  Even Paul himself said that it's as if there is this unwritten law of nature that states that as soon as you make a decision to do something good, it's going to seem as if "Evil" has moved in next door to you!

Let me encourage you today with two things.

First, if you're feeling led to change a behavior or modify a lifestyle, then praise God that the Holy Spirit is working in your life!  As believers, our lives are an open book to the Holy Spirit for Him to convict and prod us concerning those sins or behaviors that we need to be ridden of.  His Light shines on our sins and exposes us to the things that are separating us from God.

Don't ever get to the point where you ignore the whispers and gentle nudges of the Holy Spirit.  Just know that whenever you heed His guidance, temptation is going to be quickly following those gentle nudges and evil will be staring you right in the face!

Secondly, when (notice I said "when," not "if") you are faced with temptation, God gives us a beautiful promise.  Our faithful Heavenly Father knows what we're capable of bearing and will always provide us with a way out.  Paul says it beautifully when he says:

"No temptation has seized you except what is common to man.  And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.  But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it." 
1 Cor. 10:13

So whether you're being chased around by chocolate cake, or juicy gossip, or maybe even the temptation to lie, steal, or cheat, the power of God that resides in you is capable of withstanding every temptation you face.  Take heart that you don't have to bear your temptations alone.  God is faithfully walking by your side and is ready to guide you away from that which could bring you down.


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