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Definitely Not Anti-Climactic

I can honestly say that I was dead wrong. I stated that the actual process of bone marrow transplant was expected to be uneventful and anti-climactic.  Let me stand corrected in saying that there is nothing anti-climactic about watching another person's cells being pushed through your child’s central line. Cells that are intended to train his body not to make leukemic cells anymore. Cells that could be accepted or rejected. Cells that were selflessly harvested from a complete stranger and shipped across the ocean. Cells that will become a part of his body and provide him with brand new DNA. 

Nope. Nothing anti-climactic about that. In fact, I found myself moved to tears frequently throughout the day. I watched my child lie there with the energy to do nothing but receive. He received the gift that was being granted to him. He received the new cells, the new life. 

Tears would flow for a multitude of reasons.

From reports of a sweet 3rd grade student telling their teacher that even the sun wore orange for Camron today. . .

To an encouraging personal message from a Nascar driver (Camron's favorite). . .

To a beautiful picture of Camron's peers, teachers, and youth minister offering up prayers for him at the annual See You at the Pole event. . .

To a complete saturation of social media feeds (I'm sorry!) with people sharing the news of Camron's special day. . .

To school buses showing support . . . 

To a plethora of messages, videos, and pictures we have received of people near and far offering up prayers or wearing orange in support of a boy that some of them have never even met.

It has been an emotionally overwhelming day.

Now we wait. We watch him endure some very tough days. And we wait. 

The goal of this entire process is engraftment. Engraftment is when the cells that he received today become a part of his bone marrow and begin to grow and make new blood cells.  Engraftment is such a beautiful picture of what God does for each of us. 

Paul told the Romans in chapter 11 that those who place their faith in Christ will have the same ability to be joined to the Father as His chosen people. He likens the Gentiles (you and me) to a branch that is divinely grafted into the root of the tree. Engraftment is something that each of us desperately need because we can't be a part of God's family without it. Jesus provided the life-giving blood that made engraftment possible! 

So, we wait. But we wait with hope. We are confident that the God who created Camron will also provide His perfect method of healing for him. The days ahead will be tough. Thank you in advance for the prayers that you will continue to offer up for our boy.


  1. Continuing in prayer for all of you. Nothing s too hard or impossible for the Lord Jesus Christ.

  2. To God be the glory, great things He has done...
    What an amazing God we serve! Continuing to pray for strength, healing, and peace along this part of the journey for each of you. El Roi is with you and sees you in the waiting! 🙏🏻

  3. My constant thoughts of Camron are with me. I pray and I pray for healing. Our God is in this all the way.

  4. While we wait we will pray! We will believe, our God is able! We love y'all so much, y'all are precious to us!!!!

  5. There are so many area's of my faith that have been challenged through Camron's fight with leukemia. The most prevalent now is 1 Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without Ceasing. All through the day and moments of non-sleep in the night there is a prayer, sometimes a whisper, others emphatic and others just a sigh. But, never loss of hope. Just saying, "Lord he's suffered like a champ, please as you take him through this valley, ease the pain, send the ministering angels. I know he is getting good care from Staci and Jody and Savannah but all the nurses, doctors and other hospital staff...Lord I'm talking about the ministering angels from heaven that you have created for this purpose, surround his bed, and Lord connect those cells and multiply them in Jesus Name. I've also learned that the verse before Pray w/o ceasing is Rejoice Evermore and the verse following is "In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you". While waiting...I'll pray!

  6. We have been and will continue to pray for Cameron 🧡With Love, The Thacker Family

  7. Prayers continue for this courageous young man. People who have never met Cameron continue to pray for his comfort and his healing. Hugs. Many hugs.

  8. I also found myself emotional all day thinking and praying, but most of all overwhelmed by the miracle taking place inside Camron's body. What an amazing God we serve! "But you O Lord, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head." I pray God's shield to surround Camron as his body heals and those wonderful cells, grow, grow, grow! Love you all so much!

  9. Praying for you all! Your faith helps us and gives hope. God will answer your prayers.

  10. Praying for your beautiful child and family.

  11. Hey Camron, cheering you on!! Keep up the good fight!

  12. Hey Camron, cheering you on!! Keep up the good fight!


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