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Putting Away Parallel Play in 2019

In high school and college, math was my preferred subject.  I loved statistics, solving equations, and seeing how math could be used in everyday facets of life.  As I entered the education field, it would be no surprise that I would geek out over math terminology being used to describe how young children interact and play with each other.

The term "parallel play" describes a level of play where children play adjacent to one another, but rarely interact with each other.  You might see them glance at their peers, and their play activity might even be influenced by those around them, yet play is still approached from an independent standpoint.  This type of play is quite opposite of cooperative play where children choose to intersect with their peers by playing games or participating in dramatic play (housekeeping, playing school, etc.).

As I think about my life and the relationships I am involved in, I am not that different than a child.  I am very selective about the people I choose to interact with on a deeper, more involved level.  Sometimes, parallel play is just easier because I don't have to risk putting myself out there.  Perhaps past hurts prevent me from wanting to intersect too deeply with those around me.

I'm reminded of one of my favorite passages of Scripture (Luke 24:13-35) that takes place after Jesus' resurrection.  We see two men traveling towards Emmaus who found themselves walking parallel to a man they didn't even recognize as the risen Christ.  Even though they interacted with him verbally, the spiritual connection didn't surface until later.

Unfortunately, I think many of us are like the Emmaus travelers.  We are content with walking parallel to Jesus, but we haven't let Him fully intersect with our lives.  We would rather go about our days, making choices on our own, living how we would like to live, and walking out the best version of our independent selves as possible.

The pop culture phrase that is being tossed around like confetti these days is,

"You be you."    

Christian friend, can I tell you something?  The most dangerous thing you can do is to be YOU apart from a daily intersecting of your life with Christ.  The world's morally relative way of doing life is detrimental to the life of a believer.  We are nothing apart from Him.  John's beautiful imagery of the vine and the branches illustrates the necessary intersection of Christ in each of our lives. 

As we enter into a new year, our walk with Christ enters into a new year, as well.  I think it's time to make a very intentional and determined decision.  Are we going to continue to be content with living our lives parallel to Christ or will we take the necessary steps to allow Christ to intersect with every part of our being?

Will you allow Him to intersect with your . . .

~ anxious thoughts

~ out-of-control finances

~ rocky marriage

~ broken relationships

~ busy schedule

~ less than holy entertainment choices?

I have a feeling that when we choose to put away parallel play with Jesus in 2019, we will see our relationship with Him flourish in a way that we have needed for a very long time.

I'm praying this for you.  Will you pray this for me?


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