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Showing posts from July, 2013

Saying "Yes" to God

"Again, you have heard that it was said to the people long ago, 'Do not break your oath, but keep the oaths you have made to the Lord.'"  Matt. 5:33 I've promised myself and God that I wouldn't become a slave to writing these devotional thoughts.  I don't want to manufacture a Word from the Lord out of a desire to produce quantity, rather than genuine quality renderings of my interaction with God . . . hence the past week of silence!  But leave it to God, in the quietness of my lonely little church pew, He used my hubby-preacher to reignite my thought processes. As I sat listening to a powerful sermon from Acts 5:1-11 about the pitfalls of breaking a promise to God, my mind wandered past the story of Ananias and Sapphira and their disobedience to give God a financial gift that they had promised to Him.  My mind ventured back over the course of my thirty-three years on this earth and the numerous amounts of promises or vows that I have personally made t

An Unwritten Law of Nature

"So I find this law at work:  When I want to do good, evil is right there with me."  Romans 7:21 Have you ever been on a diet or trying to watch what you eat and felt as if there were thick slices of triple fudge chocolate cake and extra crispy French fries following you around all day long? Or maybe you've made a decision to rid yourself of something like gossiping, and before the sun can set, you're privy to information that just demands being passed on to your best pal. Whether it be deciding to quit such habits as nail biting or cursing, or maybe something a little more serious like smoking or drinking, the temptation to fall back into our old behavior seems to be front and center. Isn't that the way it goes?  You feel convicted to do something positive in your life, and anything and everything that could be negative keeps creeping around the corner!  It's as if those evils in our lives know exactly how to taunt and tease us . . . and ultimately te

Two Good Feet and Sealed Lips

Have you ever heard the expression, "I went there to be a blessing to them, but they blessed me more than I could have imagined!"?  That is typically the case whenever someone takes the time to visit or minister to someone who is a close follower of God.  That was the case for me yesterday. God has blessed me throughout my life with Godly women who have nurtured me and helped mold me in my relationship with Jesus.  The sweet lady I visited yesterday was one of the first glimpses of Kellum Baptist Church I got to see.  She was a member of the Pastor Search Committee that called my husband to be their pastor, nearly ten years ago.  I vividly remember sitting at a quaint restaurant in Hickory, North Carolina and hearing her speak of love for her family and her church.  She spoke as only a loving Nannie could about her then four grandchildren and the joy it brought her to be able to help care for them.  She spoke as only an obedient follower of Christ could about her love for

Spiraling Out of Control

"No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it."  1 Corinthians 10:13 If you've ever driven through the mountains, more specifically down a mountain, then you've probably seen a runaway truck ramp.  The Department of Transportation sporadically locates these off ramps on mountainous interstate highways in the event that large trucks lose the ability to employ their brakes.  These escape lanes are typically located on a section of highway that has had a particularly steep grade. These runaway truck lanes are comprised of multiple mounds of sand or dirt with valleys separating each mound.  Should a truck need to utilize these ramps, their momentum will be quickly halted as they bounce over the dirt mounds and where the grade is now ascending, rather than descending. I've persona

Open to Change?

"And to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness."  Ephes. 4:24 I've been known to be a proponent for change.  I enjoy seeing change within the walls of my home and I'm able to make that happen by very frequently rearranging the furniture!  I like the fact that our government allows for change and that we can see new faces in political offices every so many years.  I enjoy seeing our church try new things and implement change in an attempt to draw people to Christ. What I've realized lately, though, is that my fondness for change is contingent on the amount of change that takes place within a certain amount of time.  I like change, but I like to have the power to determine when enough is enough!  I guess when it boils down to it, I think change is good whenever it is on my terms. Isn't that the way most of us are whenever it comes to allowing God to enact change in our lives?  We are quick to give Him our heart, but

A Story That Even I Can Tell

"Impress them on your children.  Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."  Deut. 6:7 My husband is a great storyteller.  I believe that it's one of the reasons why he's such a great preacher because whenever he utilizes a historical or comical illustration in his sermons, he tells them with such accuracy and ease.  His capacity to retell it would make you think that he was actually an eye-witness to whatever occurred in the story. I, on the other hand, am not a good storyteller.  I never have been and doubt it's going to improve much as time goes by.  I have a feeling that whenever I begin telling a story or a joke, my husband and close friends secretly wonder if they'll ever get to hear the punch line or the conclusion of the story!  It really is that bad. I can even try to retell a story that just tugged at my heartstrings, or a joke that had me rolling on the floor, and . . . BAM! 

Walking the Tightrope with Our Tongue

"Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing.  My brothers and sisters, this should not be."  James 3:10 My kids were recently fascinated by the amazing feat that was conquered by tightrope walker, Nick Wallenda.  Having watched him complete the walk across Niagara Falls some time ago, they were thrilled to hear that he was going to attempt to cross a portion of the Grand Canyon that was 1500 feet from the rope to the bottom of the canyon. We sat with sweaty palms and frequent gasps as we watched him battle the gusty winds and seemingly never ending rope that was in front of him.  As he traversed his way over the canyon, his prayers spilled all over the tightrope.  He praised God for His creation, he prayed for Him to calm the winds, and he called on Him to give him patience and peace. The witness and testimony that he displayed before millions of people on live television that night was undoubtedly a breath of fresh air to cable TV.  His unashamed use of the name of

When You Can't See Over the Hill

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  Jeremiah 29:11 As we drive through the winding, rural mountain road, I find myself admiring the beautiful scenery out of my passenger side window.  I gaze at the old barns, the small white-sided country churches, and yes, I even see a fully functioning alpaca farm!  The scenery might be quite enjoyable, but there is another part of mountain cruising that I don't think I could ever grow accustomed to.  I have learned to handle the winding roads quite well, but it's when those same roads seem as if they are going to disappear right before your very eyes that tends to make me quite hysterical! I think I could drive the mountain roads everyday and I think that I would always thoroughly despise coming to the crest of a hill and not being able to see what is waiting on the other side.  It's as if you're blinded