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Showing posts from July, 2016

Shady Seasons of Life

  I've added some additional titles to my name since my last blog.  In addition to wife, mom, aunt, friend, and Sunday School teacher, I am now a childhood cancer parent (will speak to this on a future blog), Christian school administrator, college student (again), and hold your horses...biker babe!  I say the "babe" part humorously, but the "biker" part is completely factual.  You can frequently find me perched on the back of my hubby's motorcycle, helmet-hair and all.  Here's a picture for proof: I've come a long way since my first ride.  Every time we would pull out of the driveway, I was overwrought with paranoia that my kids would never see their parents alive again.  I was trying to be a good wife and support my husband's new hobby, so I knew I had to overcome my fears, or I'd miss out on some great one-on-one time with him.  Well, not only did my fears subside, they did a complete 180.  I now love to ride and I'm the one w