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Showing posts from September, 2016

I Will Trust You

"Has God forgotten to be merciful?  Has he in anger witheld his compassion?"  Psalm 77:9 Have you ever laid the law down with God?  You know . . . tell God what He really shouldn't dare do or allow to happen.  Perhaps you are way more spiritual than I am, but in an effort to be transparent and honest, I have to admit that I have told God exactly what was fair game in my life and what was off limits. In 2012, when I thought we had faced the worst year imaginable after enduring two miscarriages -- one at 18 weeks gestation -- I reasoned with God that losing a child that I had never held in my arms was such a devastating experience, so certainly my two healthy, life-filled children were my reminder to be grateful for what He had already blessed me with.  Certainly we wouldn't be required to face anything worse than a broken bone or typical childhood illness with them.  Certainly God would see that our perseverance through such pain deserved some sort of reward in th