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Showing posts from September, 2013

Having the Right Frame of Reference

"Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground."  Psalm 143:10 Are you the kind of person that can allow life's little annoyances to get on your nerves from time to time?  I'm talking about those insignificant things that will drive you absolutely nuts if you allow them.  Perhaps the ticking of a clock, or the incessant clicking of a pen, or someone's chewing sounds are enough to send you over the edge.  If you are like me, you have to force yourself to focus on something besides that annoyance. One of the other things that tends to bother me is the picture that is not hanging just right.  There's something about that slightest little imperfection that is magnified whenever you look at the straight line where the wall meets the ceiling and then realize that the beautiful family portrait is obviously higher on one side than the other! Well, God is seriously challenging my amount of long-suffering these days!  H