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Showing posts from August, 2016

Overwhelmed by Cheesecake Factory and the Bible

Cheesecake Factory.  Those two words cause two things to happen inside my mind.  First, I unashamedly salivate for a giant slice of red velvet cheesecake that I will undoubtedly partake in at the end of a special meal there.  I never feel guilty when I eat that triangular slice of heaven!  Angels sing and forks clash like cymbals when it is delivered to the table.  I can hear them now! Second, I begin to break out in a sweat thinking about the massiveness of their dinner menu and wonder how many times I will change my mind before I settle on a selection.  Have you ever been there?  I have always compared their menu to a Bible because I think you would have to devise a pretty strict daily plan in order to read every word of it in a year's time, let alone the 3-5 minutes they give you to make your selection after placing your drink order.  Makes me a nervous wreck!  I mean, how do you choose just one thing?  It is completely overwhelming for an indecisive person like me! Indec